The Peru Spring Break trip is mission trip opportunity for Seniors in high school. Our goal is to share the love of Christ with the people of Peru through Vacation Bible School, music, drama, evangelism, discipleship, and outreach. This trip is not a vacation - but an opportunity to take your faith to the next level by reaching out to those who are in need.
Destination: LIMA, PERU
We will be staying at a retreat center located outside of Lima, Peru. All meals will be prepared at retreat center and the team will be provided with bottled water for drinking throughout the week.
Cost: $850
The cost of the trip includes all transportation, lodging, meals (except travel meals), t-shirt, and materials. $250 deposit is required at registration; ALL FINAL PAYMENTS are due at the Parent Meeting on Sunday, March 1st.
Student Requirements:
1. Be a high school student in 12th grade.
2. Attend the 9 weeks of training. See Schedule tab above for details.
3. Attend at least 80% of all Sunday morning Lifegroups and worship services beginning January 26, 2020, for the duration of the trip.
4. Must attend Evangelism Training Class on February 2nd at 4:00pm. Contact a staff member if you are unable to attend. (A makeup Evangelism class will be announced.)
5. At least one parent should attend the parent meeting on Sunday, March 1st, at 4:30pm in Student Center South. Final payment will be due at this meeting.